

When shall Christ come back?

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM - 6th September 2020 A daily Bible exposition by Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelation International Evangelical Ministry (WRIEM) Topic: When shall Christ come back? Theme scriptures:"And while they looked steadfastly towards heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven"(Acts 1:10-11). The Bible made us to understand that Jesus Christ was in heaven with God the Father. He came down to earth to be offered as a sin sacrifice for the salvation of the fallen human race. He went back to heaven, and is to come back to collect those that accepted and believed the work he did on the cross for mankind. These are to reign with him in eternity. All the above activities, of the existence cycles of Jesus Christ, have been completed or made manifest with the exception of the last: which is his second coming to earth, to collect his own. Everything, teachings and ordinances in the scriptures points and maintains that Jesus is surely coming back. Our theme scriptures is a sure testimony from heaven that our Master and Saviour, Jesus Christ is coming back. A conviction of this second coming of Christ is an unavoidable component of our belief as a child of God. It is pertinent to note that if one believes in the existence of the activities that have happened in the existence cycle Christ, he will find it very easy to be convinced and convicted on the ones yet to happen, in line with the positions of the scriptures. For sure, Jesus Christ was with the Father in the pre-beginning era. He participated centrally in the creation of heaven (the throne and city of God), heaven (the firmament of man's earth) and man's earth, including lands, seas, and every living thing. On this, John 1:1-3 declares "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made". This clearly defined the pre-incarnate existence, position, responsibility, and status of Jesus Christ. Prayers : I pray for all children of God that they shall always be conscious of heaven as their eternal abode. That the requirements and qualifications for entering heaven should be their concern préoccupation. That they should be rapturable at anytime. In Jesus Name. Amen. For prayer requests, counseling, any other requests, send SMS to +234 8067041315. isidoreojukwu.blogspot.com

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