

Daily Words of Wisdom: Mercy and pardon through the cross - Part 2

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM - 8th August 2020 A daily Bible exposition by Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelation International Evangelical Ministry (WRIEM) Topic: Mercy and pardon through the cross - Part 2 Theme scriptures: " And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her, and he did eat". God finished creation, including and with man as his prime creature. He saw that everything he created was good. Genesis 1:31 says, "And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. " The earth was peaceful and at harmony with the rhythm in heaven. Man was in full control as the administrator if the created earth. It was a paradise experience. Man, a creature in the class and nature of God, living and fellowshipping with God in his physical flesh. Man was enjoying the peace of heaven. The earth was actually a part and extension of God's ecosystem. There was a fellowship between heaven and earth. This peace and harmony of creation was disrupted by Satan, that Ancient Serpent. He struck at man and took the glory, power and dominion that man received from God. Unfortunately, at creation man was not aware of the existence of Satan. Satan took advantage of this ignorance to strike man at his weakest link : woman. Satan adopted his usual strategy which is lies and deception. With that he got the woman to move away from the place of obedience to God's laws and commandments, to the place of considering the logic in the serpent's statements. The movement robbed Eve of the protection of the presence of God. She stood in the place of knowledge, as determined by her sight, feelings and touch. Obedience is superior to knowledge in our walk and work with God. General. 3:6 says, " And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her, and he did eat". The woman abandoned the place of obedience to the word and commandment of God, allowing her eyes, feelings and desires of the flesh to rule her. The result was sin. Most Christians today still follow the path of Eve. They allow carnal knowledge, feelings and lusts of the eyes, flesh and the world to take them away from the place of obedience to the word and commandments if God. The sure result is sin. Now Eve did not only stop at sinning herself, she made her husband with her to sin. This is the danger of sin. It is contagious and infectious. Every child of God need to be aware of this characteristics of sin and stand up firmly against it in his spheres of contacts. You must give yourself completely to God in obedient to his words and commandments. Then resist the devil and he must flee from you (James 4:7). The fall of Adam and Eve brought sin, corruption and death into the world and creation. Man was hopeless and destined to sure death and eternal damnation. Jesus appeared in the scene. He brought mercy and pardon through the cross. Man was redeemed and given a sure window of escape and restoration. Hallelujah!!! Prayers: I pray for all the children of God that have moved away from the place of obedience to the word and commandments of God. That the Spirit of wisdom and revelation should locate and guide them to find their way back to the requirements of the word. In Jesus mighty name. Amen. For prayer requests, testimonies and other requests, send SMS to +234 8067041315.

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  1. Wonderful article that just elevated my spirit.. thanks you Pastor (Dr) Isidore Ojukwu..
